1912年3月7日,马萨诸塞州韦尔斯利学院大厅206号。亲爱的爸爸妈妈:我会写信给你们,因为我想表达我的谢意,感谢你们昨天意外地收到一张可爱的支票。它应该能支撑我很长很长一段时间。我不知道你们俩现在是不是都在韦尔斯维尔,但我想你们都在。我从报纸上看到,艾伦·比奇·偏航要到韦尔斯维尔来,所以根本没有必要去奥利安。我今天晚上刚刚写完上学期的音乐理论笔记,星期六要交。我希望他们至少这次能“令人满意”,这样我就不用再去找他了。如果可能的话,这周比以往任何时候都要忙。我们一直坐到很晚(这是由于我最近养成了一种责任心,每节课都要上两个小时;埃丝瑟也忙着做玫瑰花蕾去卖),结果今天早上睡过头了,弄得这一天都有些不愉快。 Esther had an appointment in the Vill at nine oclock, and we woke up at eight-thirty! She made it too. We've discovered that its [page 3] only fifteen minutes walk from here to Wellesley Square, by way of the meadow. Esther and Nell are going to the theater with men Saturday afternoon. Nell went in Tuesday to a tea at Harvard and an engagement party at a swell hotel. Julia went home that day to attend her brother's recital, and just got back to-night. So little Mary is the only quiet and humdrum person around here. We had a nice little trip to town yesterday. I didn't buy anything but music, but Esther got shoes and gloves. I looked at Jordan Marsh's for corduroy skirts, but they didn't [page 4] have what I wanted. I may have to go in again next week, as I broke my chin-rest to-day, and can't fix it myself. It's a great nuisance. The Sophomore Play comes off this week, and we're much interested in it. Connie Hapgood has one part, but I don't know who else. We enjoyed Joseph Lhevinne very much Monday night, I thought better than Josef Hofman [mispelling: Hofmann], except for his looks. He is Polish Russian Jew. Must fly to bed now, With love, Mary.