Senior Information
This site is designed to guide you through your final semesters at Wellesley by providing important information regarding degree requirements, highlighting key deadlines, and outlining commencement policies. As a degree candidate, it is important that you thoroughly and routinely review your academic record, submit all required information to the Registrar’s Office on time, and discuss any questions with your Class Dean. Please remember that it is your responsibility to review your academic record and know alldegree requirements; the Registrar’s Office and the Class Deans will assist in identifying the answers for any questions you may have.
Things to keep in mind:
- Degree Requirements
- Latin Honors / Thesis / Departmental Honors
- Cross Registering in your final semester
- Commencement Participation
Remember to check your email for important communications from the Registrar's Office.
Important Dates & Deadlines:
- October Degree Candidates(October 22, 2021)
- December Completers(January 21, 2022)
- May Degree Candidates(May 27, 2022)