Entering grades in Workday Student
Beginning with the 2019 Summer Session II term, grades will be submitted through Workday Student.
Step by step instructions for grade submission are available to faculty throughAdministrivia > Especially for Faculty >Workday Grading for Faculty。教师需要援助的智慧h submitting grades should emailworkday@wellesley.edu。Please note that only courses that carry academic credit are available for grading. Pre-college Workshops are not graded.
Check that all students appear on the grade roster
Faculty should review class rosters before recording final grades and email the Registrar’s Office (registrar@wellesley.edu) if there are any students attending class who are not officially registered.
Only Valid Grades Appear
Grades are selected from a drop-down menu. Only the appropriate grades based on the course's grading settings and student registration will be shown.
Grades of C- and Below and Incomplete Grades
Faculty need to complete and submit theIncomplete Gradeform for each student for whom they submitted a grade of Incomplete. If a student earns a grade of C- or below faculty must submit theGrade of C- or belowform. The information faculty provide is reviewed by the Class Dean and will be shared with the student. The Class Dean may also share the information with the Academic Review Board (ARB) during semester-end student academic record review. A student may petition the ARB for an incomplete grade to be excused if the circumstances involve serious illness or family emergency.A full explanation of the excused incomplete process that a student follows is available in the Student Handbook。
Credit/ Non-Credit Grades
If a student has electively chosen the Credit/Non-Credit grading option, faculty will still submit a letter grade. The letter grade is not visible to the student and will automatically convert to CR (Credit) or NCR (Non-Credit) when the submitted grades are processed.
Mandatory Credit/ Non-Credit Grades
If a course is required to be graded as Mandatory Credit/Non-Credit, the valid grades available are:
MCRD -- Credit with distinction (mandatory)
MCR -- Credit (mandatory)
MNCR -- Non-Credit (mandatory)
I -- Incomplete
Grading Policy Update
In May 2019 the Academic Council rescinded thegrading policy implemented in April 2004。As a result we no longer provide information about the average grade for the class during the grading process.
Student Access To End of Semester Work
Students are told that when they wish to review their end of semester work they need to contact their instructors to make mutually convenient arrangements to do so.
Contact us atregistrar@wellesley.eduor call x2307.
If you encounter technical difficulties, please call the HelpDesk at x3333.