This方便的图表summarizes the requirements.
American Politics and Law (POL1)
Comparative Politics (POL2)
International Relations (POL3)
美国政治和法律:POL1 200
Comparative Politics: POL2 202, POL2 204
International Relations: POL3 221
政治理论:P OL4 201,POL4 216.
A minimum of five units for the major must be taken at Wellesley, as must the courses that are used to fulfill at least two of the four subfield distributions and the seminar requirement.
Normally, to be counted toward the major, a course taken elsewhere should be taught by a political scientist or in department of political science or its equivalent.
Courses in theUndergraduate Research Opportunities Program(UROP) in Political Science at MIT can count towards the Political Science major at Wellesley if the student writes a substantive research paper as part of her UROP work and that paper is evaluated by the UROP supervisor as part of the final grade. The supervisor must inform the Political Science Transfer Credit Advisor at Wellesley by email that the paper has been evaluated.
For the purpose of meeting a subfield distribution requirement in the major, a student may count a course taken elsewhere provided that it transfers as at least .75 Wellesley units.
For information about how to submit a transfer credit request, see the registrar's转移信贷指南。