少年里贾纳·加拉多(Regina Gallardo)和大二学生阿拉纳·麦基
Regina Gallardo ’23和Alana Mackey ’24在Camellia颁奖典礼后拍摄照片。加拉多(Gallardo)因平衡领导而获得了奖项,而麦基(Mackey)以及尤林·孙’24(Yuling Sun ’24)则获得了包容性领导奖。


乔什·伊达萨克(Josh Idaszak)


以其创始人亨利(Henry)和波琳·杜兰特(Pauline Durant奖项在自我意识,与他人的互动以及与目的的联系的类别中庆祝校园,波士顿地区及以后的领导力和服务。


“大学生来来来去去,每年有一个新的即将上任的课程,很容易忘记我们在我们面前提倡某事的人,无论是新资源,终身制职位还是其他的东西future Wellesley students may take for granted,” said Jenna Hua ’22. She received the community cultivation leadership award for establishing the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) First-Year Fellowship Program to create a space for her fellow AAPI students to reflect on, explore, and affirm their racial experience and identity. “Institutionalizing this progress and providing recognition where it’s due is important to acknowledge benchmarks for how far we’ve come and understand how much more work we still have to do,” Hua said.

“The Camellia leadership awards, and a formal recognition of student leadership on campus, is so meaningful to me because of how much student contribution on campus often goes unnoticed,” said Riya Balachandran ’24, who won the Sed Ministrare Award for her work developing and advocating for innovative, accessible, and culturally diverse programming through residential life, as well as other organizations on campus. “So much of leadership isn’t the accomplishment of goals, but the unseen work, passion, and time that students dedicate to their communities. Wellesley student leaders are the reason why this community is as amazing as it is.”


Cielo Chavarria ’25


“有价值的领导,尤其是在这个校园中,是激发和使人们聚集在一起的领导力,这加强了社区并满足社区的需求,以使校园成为每个人的更好的地方,” Yuling Sun ’24说。她是该团队的一员,该团队因建立资源银行(Resourcation Bank)的特纳领导奖而赢得了任何有兴趣研究计算机科学的学生,无论他们对这个主题的熟悉程度如何。该存储库包括有关如何学习编码,找到暑期实习,增强现有的编程技能,加入现有技术的社区的信息,或在韦尔斯利(Wellesley)外参加涉足计算机科学专业的韦尔斯利(Wellesley)课程。

“It’s important for our leadership to be honored like this because it raises awareness for our organization, and the changes we aim to make regarding substance use education, activism, and support,” said Zo Shaw ’23, a member of the team that won the creative learning award for its workshops rooted in harm-reduction strategies to educate students about substance abuse. “Student leadership is valuable on campus because it empowers others to follow suit.”

Cielo Chavarria ’25补充说:“领导力不是标题,而是日常行动和对社区的爱心。”韦尔斯利基金会。“被提名人和接收者体现了无私的领导,这是源于对韦尔斯利的真正热爱。他们不是寻求奖励,而是追求和创建一个更好的社区。他们带着爱带领。”

10个茶花奖授予由学生,教职员工提名的个别领导者和团体。学生院长希拉·霍顿(Sheilah Horton)和由学生生活和职业教育办公室的代表组成的委员会选择接受者。个人获奖者将获得定制设计的纯银茶花销,而获胜的学生团体将其姓名刻在Lulu Chow Wang Campus中心的永久牌匾上,并获得了100美元的赠款来促进他们的工作。

“心理健康的倡导和逐渐积极的思想是我来韦尔斯利的部分原因,” Maddie Paoletti ’22表示,今年的团队领导力奖获得了她担任总裁的贡献。亚博电竞官网韦尔斯利学院积极思想,该学院的学生经营的精神卫生组织。自2020年春季以来一直领导该组织的Paoletti致力于加强其编程和资源,以积极支持学生,随着大流行的展开。她说:“如果我因我们的倡议而使一个人的一天变得更好,那么他们是值得的。”“我很高兴存在茶花奖,以突出学生在学术追求之外的成就。”

“Being honored for my leadership also honors all the wonderful mentors and fellow sibs who have allowed me to grow into the person I want to be while at Wellesley,” said Regina Gallardo ’23, who earned the balanced leader award for founding and developing the College’s new arts magazine,Pentimento,并倡导在艺术界提高公平和包容性。“这些奖项反映了我们的社区如何通过领导方式互相帮助。我认为这与我们的座右铭有关,而不是被任命为部长。我们通过为他人服务而成为领导者,我们激励他人也这样做。”