修补星条旗,2020,11乘6.5乘1英寸,32页;墨水,水粉和丙烯酸,亚麻线在Kate Fairchild手工纸上
The book’s fibrous, handmade paper, which includes loose threads that evoke the themes of women’s work and mending, has been meticulously inscribed with items including quotes in calligraphy from suffragists and civil rights activists, an intricate map of the United States with the years that territories and states gave women the right to vote, and cross-stitched names of women who fought for the cause.
卫尔斯理特别收藏馆馆长露丝·r·罗杰斯(Ruth R. Rogers)直接从这位艺术家那里得知了这本书。卫尔斯理学院还收藏了另外三件作品。“我总是在寻找与课程相适应的书籍,能对学生有帮助的书籍,并能补充我正在展示的其他课程书籍。”当然,这是关于美国政治史和妇女选举权的,看起来是完美的融合,”罗杰斯说。
Owen’s book echoes Ware’s assertion, incorporating events after the 19th Amendment, including the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The book ends with two cross-stitched names: “Ruth,” for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died while Owen was making the book, and “Kamala,” for Kamala Harris, the first female vice president and the first African American and first Asian American vice president. “We have come a long way, and yet, as we can see today, it’s not over yet,” Owen said in an interview with the magazine. “I could [create] book two of what voter suppression is happening right now.” She also notes that she deliberately left a long thread hanging from Harris’s name, implying the history yet to be written. “She’s not finished yet,” Owen says.