照片由Lisa Abitbol
Students are ready to talk. Specifically, about issues related to social justice. That’s one of the first things Inés Maturana Sendoya learned during her listening tour on campus after arriving in 2018 as associate dean of students for inclusion and engagement.
Maturana Sendoya说,他们与朋友与朋友进行了这些对话,但“他们希望从机构中形成更多形式化的东西。”因此,她和Karen Shih,跨文化教育和亚裔血统学生的助理院长决定试用一项计划,其中学生促进者将接受围绕身份问题进行讲习班的研讨会。当初始促进者的初始队列,超过35名学生时,他们很激动。因此,Wellesley的包容计划在2019年秋季启动了。
为了成为一个社区包容式促进者(CIF),学生首先通过严格的学期培训计划。Shih强调CIFS是为他们的时间付出的。“我们希望使这适用于所有不同[社会经济地位]的学生,”她说。他们的培训包括团队建设,学习促进技巧,并参加所有90分钟的研讨会,他们最终将导致“特权,压迫和身份”,“种族和种族主义”和“残疾/能力意识”。Maturana Sendoya和Shih与外部顾问合作,为研讨会创造了材料,并为Wellesley学生定制了它们。在培训学期之后,CIFS可用于社区要求的领导研讨会,成对工作。
Matilda Berke'21,谁在第一个CIF的CIF队列,解释了她想要参加的原因。“Wellesley是一个很棒的社区。每个人都有最好的意图。但就像任何大学校园一样,它可以得到一点淤泥,人们显然往往与分享他们兴趣的人一起出去玩,分享他们的身份,“伯克说。她希望“促进校园的连接,并促进真正的社区感,而不是我们已经拥有的。”
Since the Inclusion Initiative began offering its workshops in the spring 2020 semester, interest has been intense. Groups that have requested workshops include the crew team, Shakespeare Society, res life teams, the Davis Museum’s student workers, and more. Requests were coming in so quickly that Maturana Sendoya and Shih hired Jenna Hua ’22, a CIF from the first cohort, as a student coordinator. Apart from when the College paused after COVID hit in March 2020, the workshops have been running nonstop. During fall 2020 alone, Hua estimates that more than 400 students attended an Inclusion Initiative workshop. “From the way that [the spring] semester has been going, it seems like it’ll be that way again, which is good news for us, and says a lot about Wellesley,” Hua says.
Being a CIF is extremely rewarding, the students say. Karen Alvarez Julian ’21, a co-house president of Tower, remembers one workshop she co-led in her res hall on race and racism. She was excited by the number of students who showed up because they knew her as HP. “Sometimes we don’t even think about how much people really feel [our] energy. … That’s when I realized how powerful CIF is, and the program is at making these conversations and making these spaces that we need, that otherwise we would not have.”
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