1958 - 2021
马萨诸塞州弥尔顿的玛丽安·哈克里斯·迪亚巴特。,passed away suddenly in Boston on May 12 at age 63. Marianne was a dedicated educator, a visionary, and a passionate dancer. She started dancing at age 6 and performed and taught dance throughout her lifetime, including as an admired and dedicated African, Brazilian, and Caribbean dance instructor at Wellesley College from 2011–2021.
马萨诸塞州弥尔顿的玛丽安·哈克里斯·迪亚巴特。,passed away suddenly in Boston on May 12 at the age of 63, due to complications from treatment for lymphoma. Marianne was a dedicated educator, a visionary, and a passionate dancer. She started dancing at age 6 and performed and taught dance throughout her lifetime, training with the Boston Ballet, the Institute for Contemporary Dance, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York, and the International Afrikan American Ballet, among others.
玛丽安最著名的是她从众多舞蹈学科中创造出新的东西的能力,这些学科阐明了黑人舞蹈的重要性,导致她与丈夫ory Diabate共同创立了Benkadi鼓舞公司。她曾是波士顿音乐学院伯克利分校的舞蹈助理教授,并于2011年至2021年在韦尔斯利学院担任了10年受人尊敬的非洲、巴西和加勒比舞蹈教练。亚博电竞官网