Karen Dolmatch Petrou'75仍然记得美国行政长官的确切词汇1985年对她说。“他没有对一名年轻女性感到愉快。”当时凯伦是32岁的,并通过银行的行列迅速上升。她退出并创立了她自己的公司联邦财务分析,而不是等待他的想法,而不是等待他的想法。
Today, Karen is one of the world’s leading experts on bank regulation and policy.美国银行家一旦将她称为“今天分析银行政策的最敏锐的头脑 - 也许是永远的。”
多年来,她是少数少年的女性之一 - 如果不是唯一与银行家的女性会议。她通常也是房间里唯一的盲人。Karen被诊断出患有视网膜炎,作为青少年,这让她大多是她的40多岁的盲目。IKE,她的狗,总是在她身边,她通过听取立法和研究的音频读数来聚集她近乎封闭的银行规则知识。
During the pandemic, the Federal Reserve has again been at the center of rescuing the U.S. economy and financial system from the worst recession since the 1930s. While many have praised the Fed for taking swift action as the pandemic hit, Karen warns that, once again, “the longer rates stay ultra-low, it’s not the economy that grows—it’s inequality.”
她的工作被媒体和国会被广泛引用。虽然她很快承认美联储并非仅对不平等负责,但她敦促从中央银行迅速改变。2021年初,凯伦出版了一本书,Engine of Inequality: The Fed and the Future of Wealth in America,表示她对中央银行在做什么的深刻关注。“美联储已为另一十年的弱势增长,高风险金融,低工资,负面储蓄和失去希望的阶段设定了舞台,”她写道。
At Wellesley, Karen majored in political science and says she was drawn to the College for its beauty, though she quickly learned the winters could be brutal. One of her most lasting memories of her college years is of a skiing class she took to fulfill the physical education requirement for graduation. She recalls a “miserable” time skiing down Severance Hill when it was “wet, muddy, and really cold.”
While at Wellesley, Karen took numerous classes at MIT, and she became an early expert on cable TV. She went to the University of California, Berkeley, for graduate school and was quick to understand the growing rise of technology and media. One of her talks caught the eye of Bank of America executives, who offered her a job as a “corporate political scientist.”
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