

照片由Richard Howard

We spoke with Assistant Professor of Music Kariann Goldschmitt—an ethnomusicologist and a scholar of popular music of the Americas, especially Brazil—about the Rio Olympics, Barry White, and why Taylor Swift might not be so bad.




这很好。它是如此多样化。它与我所说的是大量扩大的巴西音乐代表国外的愿景。......他们设法展示了巴西音乐传统的丰富性。因此,当然还有一些刺激桑巴,以及[巴西人歌手-歌曲作者例如,Tom Jobim,以及一个非常着名的抗议活动歌手-歌曲作者名叫Chico Buarque。关闭ceremoni…es, they had a really famous pop singer doing a Carmen Miranda impersonation while all of the nations came in. And then they hadForró.音乐,是乡村音乐。但随后观看西方媒体的方式,特别是从美国,正在描绘巴西,它令人心碎,几乎不间断:“看看所有这些犯罪,看看所有的抢劫。”为什么要重点?




There’s a preconception out there that if you’re a music scholar, you’re a snob, right? That you have really discriminating tastes. I see my mission as teaching students that they have the ability to be good listeners without proper musical training, that their perspective is valid, their tastes are valid, because part of being an ethnomusicologist is seeing the cultural value of different perspectives. … Right now, Taylor Swift is on the outs in social media, but if you love her, yes, go ahead and love her.

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