照片由Richard Howard
亲爱的We亚博电竞官网llesley College Alumnae:
很高兴热情,我欢迎Paula A. Johnson总统去Wellesley Alumnae社区!那些能够参加Paula的职位的alumnae,因为Wellesley的第14届总裁见证了她巨大的恩典和温暖。我渴望所有校会社区的所有成员都有这个机会。我认识总统约翰逊期待着旅行和满足你们所有人,我们共同努力创建一个安排,让她这样做,同时执行她对校园里的学生,教师和工作人员的无数责任。
When you do have the chance to meet President Johnson, you will be struck not only by her empathy and charisma, but by her vision for Wellesley as the world’s leading educator of women and the transformative impact that our alma mater can have on everyone’s future — socially, physically, economically, and politically. As Paula said when she made her surprise appearance at reunion, there were many forces that brought her to Wellesley, among them her mother-in-law, Phyllis Rosenthal Sands ’46, and her research on the impact of women’s health on the overall well-being of their community. These intersections were also reflected in President Johnson’s inaugural address when she expressed her aspiration that Wellesley be a leading force in making the world a better place. And Paula is just the person to lead us there.
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