Installing Stata/IC 15
Where to find this software at Wellesley
The KeyServered version of Stata/IC is standard course software in the campus computing labs. It may also be installed on faculty, staff and student computers for academic course-related work (not for administrative use). As of Stata 14, use for research is allowed.
Please submit any requests foradministrative useof the software or a need forStata/
These instructions are forversion 15, the same version that is found on our classroom and computing lab computers.
System requirements
Make sure you haveKeyAccessinstalled. Stata is a KeyServered software, and KeyAccess is your "key" to using any KeyServered applications on our network.
If you do not have KeyAccess installed, or are not sure if you do, pleasefollow these instructionsto install / update / re-install it.
Before you install Stata/IC
Do you have anearlier versionof Stata/IC installed on your computer? If you do, youmayneed to uninstall it before installing this version.
Try installing this,then, if you decide later you do need to remove an older version and you need help uninstalling it using standard software removal steps, please contact the Help Desk.
Install Stata/IC 15
- If your computer is off campus, use theVPNto connect to the campus network
KeyAccess and access to the Academicstore > Software serverrequire a connection to the Wellesley network; on campus, that means connecting to the Wellesley Secure WiFi; off campus, that means being connected to using Cisco AnyConnect. - Follow the instructions above to be sureKeyAccessis set up and your computer meets thesystem requirements
- Copy the installer
- Go to the software share on the academicstore server
- Windows: click
Start、类型\\\softwareand press Enter
- Mac: inFinder,Gomenu,Connect to Server...、类型smb:// press Enter
- If prompted for credentials, log in using yourWellesley username and password(Note: if you have trouble with this, trywellesley\usernameinstead of just your username)
Troubleconnecting to thesoftwareshare onacademicstore?
If you are not able to reach the installer on academicstore,check your computer's DNS settings, and, if you're using a firewall on your computer, you may need to open up your firewall settings. For example, For example, Bitdefender on Windows 10:How to add a network exception in Bitdefender 2019See also below, "Trouble copying the installer," for links in Google Drive
- Windows: click
- Open thefacstaffstudentsfolder, then theStatafolder, then the15folder
- 半径标注g the appropriate folderto your computer's desktop:WindowsorMac
- Wait....The installer is large and may take some time to finish copying.
Troublecopyingthe installer to your computer?
Alternate copies of the installers are available via Google Drive (MacWindows); use your Wellesley Google account to download it, then double-click on the downloaded ZIP file and continue with these instructions.
- Go to the software share on the academicstore server
- Once you're sure the installer has finished copying, close the window showing it on academicstore anddouble-click on the installer in the Windows or Mac folder on your computer's desktop
- Click through the installer as you would with any other, taking special note of these:
- if prompted to log in, use the same username and password you use to log in to your computer, or whatever credentials have administrative rights on your computer
- if asked which flavor of Stata you want to install, choose IC
(the licensing steps that follow only work for IC)
- After the installation is complete,run Stataas you would any other piece of software (Windows start menu, Mac Applications folder or Spotlight)
- When prompted for a license, copy and paste the appropriate information from the Stata license text file (Stata15license.txt) that is in the same folder as the installer, on your desktop
- You may be prompted with options for automatic updating; please chooseDo not allow automatic updates.
If you allow Stata to automatically update, the Key license may break and you may be unable to use Stata; if this happens to you, you can re-install Stata from this page.If updates are required, please contactLTSsoftware@wellesley.edufor assistance. - Remember that this is KeyServered software and a limited number of computers can use the program at one time. Please quit Stata when it is not in use.
- Delete the installer from your desktop
Using Stata
See ourStata libguidefor helpful tips and resources for using Stata.