Sakai.is one of Wellesley’s supported learning management systems, along with Google Apps for Education, which faculty use to communicate with students, administer assessments and assignments, and distribute materials. You can use Sakai, Google Apps for Education, or even both.
If you’d like to use Sakai for independent studies, theses, to coordinate a lab, or for an organization, you can create your own Project Sites.
Latest Wellesley Sakai News:
星期二,8月10日,Wellesley将Sakai升级到20.Sakai 20提供改进和错误修复,只有微小的变化,即看作和工作的方式。我们期待的两种改进是grading assignments using a document previewin the Sakai Assignments tool, and a日期经理to more easily adjust dates in a single place for all of the content you're reusing from a previous semester.
好奇关于Sakai 20的变化?你可以在Sakai LMS博客上阅读更多信息。
For help with Sakai:
Stop by RIS Office Hours. See the教师发展活动日历最新的时间表。
Call 781-283-4848 - the Instructional Technology line - and leave a message.
使用Sakai 20.
Logging in to Sakai
Log in to theMyWellesley门户网站
Click on Sakai in the menu along the top of the page.
Click on Wellesley Login in the upper right. Sakai will use the login information from MyWellesley to log you in to Sakai.
Choosing and reordering your Favorite Sites (the sites displayed at the top of your Sakai window)
Managing Your Site
Resources Tool for uploading and organizing files
- 一致的文件组织和命名结构are important to help both you and your students find files.
Adding New Content to the Resources Tool
您无法将文件夹上传到资源工具,但您可以通过拖动和删除来上载文件组。首先在Sakai Resources工具中创建文件夹,然后上传相应的文件。
The first folder in your Resources is for the entire site. It’s called the root folder. Everything else is organized inside it.
- Sakai.Lessons Tool to create modules and an interactive syllabus, or put all content on a single page
- Sakai视频电子储备与Sakai的媒体画廊
Reusing Content from a Previous Sakai Site
- Copy content from one site to another
- Date manager
- Short instructions for Importing only the Resources folder
Student Tech Tip:Making Course Communications Easier to Find
Sakai作业工具允许教师在分配中创建,分发,收集,等级和提供反馈。学生可以通过直接进入Sakai或通过转向脱机物理工件来将其作为文件上传提交工作。The tool can enforce due dates, supports instructor feedback, and offers如果需要,对分配的同行评估。审查学生工作有点不那么劳动,因为你现在可以grade assignments using a document preview。The Assignments tool is not part of our default tool set.编辑要添加它的工具。
Student Tech Tip:Finding Assignment Feedback in Sakai
The Sakai Dropbox tool automatically creates an individual folder for each student in the Sakai site. Students can submit work by uploading files to these folders. Because每个学生只能看到自己的文件夹,他们的提交仍然是私人教师和学生之间的私人。Instructors can provide feedback by doing the same. If you use the Dropbox, you will create and distribute the assignment tasks through other channels, such as Forums, Announcements, or your syllabus.The Dropbox tool is not part of our default tool set.编辑要添加它的工具。
Student Tech Tip:Taking Exams in Sakai
The Sakai Gradebook tool can collect grades from other Sakai tools, and a few external tools, and incorporate them into a total course grade complete with categories and weighting. You can also use the Gradebook as a standalone tool entering grades directly by hand. The Gradebook is not part of our default tool set.编辑要添加它的工具。
Hypothesis is a social annotation tool. Students and faculty can collaboratively annotate any documents openly accessible with a URL, including websites as well as readings saved as PDFs.
VoiceThread is a social annotation tool intended primarily for images and videos. Students and faculty can create and collaboratively annotate slides that hold images, documents, and videos. The annotations can be text, audio, or video.
广场is an instructional system which allows students to ask questions in a forum-type format. Instructors are able to moderate the discussion, along with endorsing accurate answers.