
macOS Sierra

This operating system version is no longer supported by Apple; please see// possible steps to upgrade to macOS 10.14 (Mojave).

Apple released Sierra September 20, 2016.

The following incompatibilities have been identified:

  • Endnote 7. Endnote has discovered issues with EndNote PDF viewer. They have been reported to Apple, but in the meantime EndNote recommends that you do NOT upgrade to Sierra. Endnote 8 is due to be released in November and should be fully macOS Sierra compatible. We will test this release.

If you wish to upgrade your computer to Sierra, please check Apple'swebsitefor more information. If you use highly specializedAcademic软件或安装了独特的个人软件e, please verify with the vendor that it is compatible with Sierra before upgrading, or contact LTS for assistance with this.

Before upgrading, we strongly recommend that you perform abackupof all your data.

Please contact the LTSHelp Deskwith any questions.