Voice Mail
ES Group maintains a voicemail distribution list to notify Banner users about upcoming system work, future Banner-related meetings, and other useful information.
If you are a Banner user and would like to be on this voicemail list, please send email toES Group.
Wellesley Banner-related ConferencesES Group maintains a Wellesley Banner conference. This conference is used by all Banner users at Wellesley to discuss Banner-related topics. ES Group uses this conference to notify Banner users about scheduled upgrades and downtimes and to distribute other useful information. To access the Wellesley Banner conference, in FirstClass, click on Wellesley Conferences, then Banner, then Wellesley Banner. This conference begins migration to Sakai sometime in the fall.
ES Group maintains access to SCT Listservs (Electronic discussion lists). These listservs allow users at Banner schools to communicate about Banner topics. Access to these listservs is available via conferences in First Class. These conferences begin migration to Sakai sometime in the fall. For more information please seeSunGard HE Listservs.
The Technical-Users conference contains postings about technical Banner topics and announcements for those involved in Banner support on campus. This conference begins migration to Sakai sometime in the fall. To access the Technical Users conference please contactES Group.