Knapp Equipment Desk
Equipment Circulation
We circulate cameras, tripods, audio recording equipment, projectors, dongles & cables, extension cords, nexus tablets, external hard drives, and more.
CheckR&Rfor a full list of equipment available at Knapp.
- To borrowChromebooks, Windows laptops, iPads, or bluetooth keyboards,参观Computing Helpdesk(2nd floor, Clapp Library).
- To borrowiPhone chargers, Macbook chargers, or calculators,访问主要的Clapp循环咨询台(2楼,Clapp库)。
- To borrow equipment or request setup for events on campus, contactMedia Services(1楼,CLAPP库)。
We recommend reserving equipment in advance. Without a reservation, we can't guarantee we'll have what you are looking for in stock when you arrive.
你能够make equipment reservations viaR&R.Please emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu如果您需要帮助进行预订。
我们的时间通过我们的时间保持更新public Google calendar,or you can emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu在规则时间以外申请拾取或下拉预约。
Please do not leave Knapp equipment at the desk unattended. Any equipment left unattanded will remain your responsibility until successfully located and safely checked back in with a Knapp employee.Repeatedly leaving equipment unattended may result in a borrowing block.
- 优先权授予使用Knapp设备进行学术目的,但在没有另外保留时,大多数设备可用于个人项目。
- 你能够travel with equipment or otherwise use it off campus! Whether the equipment is on campus or off camus,借用政策still apply and patrons are负责丢失,损坏或被盗设备的成本。
- 如果设备逾期more than 7 days,您将被禁止为学期剩余的knapp设备禁止。
- 如果设备逾期超过1个月,您将被禁止在Wellesley的剩余时间内禁止查看Knapp设备。
If any piece of an equipment kit is missing or broken, we will not accept the equipment for returnuntil you have searched for the missing item or made a reasonable effort to fix the broken part.
如果你有永久性lost or broken a piece of equipment, you will be charged a replacement fee for the cost of the piece or for the entire equipment kit (if necessary).
读我们借用政策for more information.
Emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu让我们知道并讨论选项。If you graduated or otherwise will not be returning to campus, you should mail equipment back using this address: