Remote Access Policy
Office Responsible for this Policy:图书馆与技术服务
Applies to:All Wellesley College employees, contractors and agents
1.0 Policy Statement
The Remote Access Policy defines standards for connecting to the Wellesley College network from any host.
2.0 Overview & Purpose
The standards for VPN use outlined in this policy are designed to minimize the potential threat to Wellesley College information technology resources and thereby protect sensitive college data.
3.0 Scope
此政策适用于所有Wellesley College员工亚博电竞官网,承包商和代理商(以下简称为“用户”),其中包含用于连接Wellesley Collecth Network的Wellesley大学拥有或个人拥有的设备。
4.0 Policy
4.1 Responsibilities
Wellesley College用户负责确保其远程访问亚博电竞官网连接与其在现场连接相同的考虑。例如,通过VPN登录的计算机不应无人看管,或者由未经授权的人员使用。它还有责任保护其用户凭据,以防止未经授权的用户从其他设备访问Wellesley Colleck网络。亚博电竞官网如果访问被滥用,则访问Wellesley Resources的任何用户都远离后果的责任。
4.2 Requirements
Remote access must be strictly controlled. Control will be enforced via domain password authentication. For information on creating a strong domain password see亚博电竞官网Wellesley学院’s Password Guidelines.
要使用VPN,设备必须具有更新的操作系统,病毒保护和恶意软件保护。有关最低配置要求,请参阅“Computing Resources for Remote Access”.
General responsibilities for the use of devices on Wellesley’s network (on-campus or remote) are included in the亚博电竞官网Wellesley学院Acceptable Use Policy
4.3 Additional Requirements for Accessing Secure Data Remotely
For users that wish to access our secure resources remotely viaSecure SSL VPN,他们将被要求完成强制在线数据安全培训,并签署声明同意根据需要保护数据Written Information Security Program(“WISP”). All Administrative staff are already required to take this training and sign the agreement, so they will be eligible for secure SSL-VPN access if they meet the computer requirements listed above.
4.4 Additional Requirement for Contract Workers
Any contract worker requesting remote access privileges to the Wellesley College network, systems and data contained therein must submit a signed copy of the System Access Agreement for Contract Workers before he or she will be granted access. In signing the agreement, the contract worker acknowledges that he or she has read and agrees to abide by this Remote Access Policy and the Wellesley College Acceptable Use Policy. If the contract worker will have access to secure data, he or she will be required to complete the online security awareness training as outlined in section 4.3 above.
5.0 Enforcement
Failure to abide by the responsibilities outlined in this policy will result in the user’s remote access capability being revoked until he or she produces proof that the problems have been remedied. Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Any contractor that violates this policy will have access privileges revoked immediately and will be subject to fines that are at a minimum equivalent to any and all damages incurred by the College. He or she may additionally be subject to legal action.
6.0 Policies Cross-Referenced
7.0 Effective Date
This policy was last revised 10/25/19.