Wellesley College Library Gift Policy
The Wellesley College Library Gift Policy establishes guidelines for donors and Library & Technology Services staff who respond to donor inquiries regarding potential gifts of collections resources. The policy sets gifts consideration within the context of the library’s collection development goals and priorities.
2.0 Overview
威尔斯利亚博电竞官网学院图书馆的收藏率约为学院的成立,非常丰富,为学生和教师提供当前信息来源以及深回顾性的持久性。这些资源通过访问其他图书馆的集合 - 通过快速的互际贷款和文件送货服务来补充其他图书馆的集合。组合,这些策略为许多学科进行了深入研究提供了丰富的基础。While the primary goal of collection building at Wellesley is curriculum support, we also recognize the importance of the College’s role in the network of institutions that maintain the record of scholarship: thus we may retain items that are important primarily to the history of the scholarly disciplines if they are not well-represented in other collections.
The Wellesley College Library Gift Policy establishes the goals and processes for handling gifts of collections resources for the library. It is intended to assist potential donors who would like to make a donation, while guiding library and LTS staff in effectively handling inquires and meeting the College’s stewardship expectations.
4.0 Scope
This policy applies to all gifts of collection resources that are offered to the Wellesley College Library.
The Library’s primary goal in accepting gifts is to supplement and strengthen the unique resources housed in the College Archives and in Special Collections.
The Archives is responsible for managing, maintaining, and making accessible those records of the College that have long-term historical value, such as administrative records, manuscripts, photographs, maps, architectural plans, honors theses, and audio/video materials. The Archives also collects materials from alumnae and others that help document and illustrate the history of Wellesley College, including scrapbooks, photographs, letters, and assorted realia and ephemera. The Archives, sometimes in consultation with the Archives Committee, considers donations of the personal or professional papers of alumnae or others when those papers enhance the Archives’ ability to support the academic mission of the College. A description of the mission and collecting goals of the Archives is outlined这里.
特殊收藏品houses rare books, manuscripts and limited-edition contemporary artists’ books. Among its outstanding collections are the Durant collection, the English Poetry Collection, the Plimpton Collection and the Book Arts Collection. While these collections are developed primarily through purchase, the funds available are quite limited and, thus, appropriate gifts constitute an important source of new acquisitions. [Description of collecting goals will be forthcoming.]
5.1 Responsibilities
The Library Gift Policy is a component of the亚博电竞官网关于有形财产礼品的Wellesley大学政策,由受托人委员会于1996年批准。首席信息官负责遵循有形财产礼品的整体Wellesley大学政策。亚博电竞官网
All offers of donations to the Library will be referred to theDirector of the Library Collections Group.The档案馆是档案礼品提供的主要联系人;这Curator of Special Collectionsis the key contact for gifts for Special Collections; and theManager of Collections Management & Preservation有关一般收款的询问是关键联系。
- 捐赠者将在考虑之前提供任何礼物的描述。如果在全部或部分提供集合,则完整描述(包括卡片文件,列表,清单等)非常有用。在没有这样的文件的情况下,图书馆可能需要在确定接受之前由图书馆人员收集的现场评估。
- Library staff cannot provide appraisals for tax purposes. If an appraisal is needed, it is the responsibility of the donor and should be completed before the gift is presented to the Library.
- The Archivist or the Curator of Special Collections will acknowledge gifts for their collections, copying Resources on their letters when warranted. Donors who deliver gifts to the Library will receive a copy of the Library’s Gift Acceptance Form as a receipt and interim record of the transfer of ownership.
All gifts will be cataloged, with holdings information added to the Library’s public catalog; Archives collections appear in the library catalog, the institutional repository or via web-accessible finding aids.
Gifts that are received but not added to the collection may be disposed of in one of the following ways:
- If it has been arranged in advance, they may be returned to the donor.
- 他们可以销往专业书籍经销商以及用于支持未来收购的所得款项。
- 在其他机构有教学或收集礼物更适当的目标的情况下,这些机构可以提供礼物。
6.0 Policies Cross-Referenced
7.0 Effective Date
This policy has been approved by the Office for Resources and is effective May 1, 2012.