In the late 1990s, Betsy Knapp and her husband Bud began discussions with Wellesley College about a substantial gift. Their $2 million donation enabled the renovation and redesign of 16,000 square feet on the ground floor of Clapp Library. The remodeling turned a former reserve desk, reserve stacks, reading areas, and language lab into a multipurpose media facility designed to support electronic learning through the campus.
Knapp Media和Technology Center于1997年9月17日开业。它具有自定义米兰工程的异常吸引人的工作站。为两个学生设计了二十五个工作站,可以创造和协作空间。17个其他站点被装满了视野。大多数车站特色高端Mac和Windows计算机,大型显示器和设备,用于数字化音频和视频源。为高端视频编辑留出了两个项目房间。对于Knapp Center的前十年,还有四个项目房间,其中三到七名学生可以共同努力。