
Workshops and Events

Coming in Spring 2014: the Boston Area Days of DH Conference.

Please check back for more information about our 2013-14 season of digital scholarship workshops and events.


Past Events

Ed Ayers: Do We Need Digital Scholarship?

In the torrent of writing about the role of technology in higher education few commentators mention the creation of new knowledge. Should the scholarship that embodies scholarly knowledge, that at once defines, circumscribes, and conveys new scholarly thinking, alter its form and substance in the new digital world?View the videofrom this September 18, 2013 event (on the Wellesley College network only).

Introduction to Digital Humanities Faculty Retreat

The Boston Digital Humanities Consortium is pleased to announce a very special faculty professional development opportunity, the Introduction to Digital Humanities Faculty Retreat, on August 17-18, 2013 in Dedham, MA.

The Digital Scholarship Initiative team and LTS is seeking to send a Wellesley contingent of faculty, librarians, and instructional technologists to this workshop.Click hereto read more about the workshop. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Jenifer Bartle (


Boston Area Digital Humanities Joint Calendar