Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

The Wellesley College Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that are supported by the College to provide our employees with professional and social networks. These networks connect colleagues across the Wellesley community in a supportive and inclusive environment.

The goal and purpose of the ERGs is to cultivate community connectedness and create a stronger and more diverse community. These groups create spaces for employees who either identify with these groups or wish to be an ally.

Goals of ERGs:

  • Align with the College’s mission of inclusive excellence
  • Create inclusive and supportive spaces for employees to develop and grow
  • Grow networks to connect employees across campus
  • Strengthen open communication and foster new ideas

To join an ERG or for more information about a specific group, please see the contact information in the tabs below.

Current Groups:

Staff Members of Color

Statement of purpose:Our vision is to create and promote an open and inclusive supportive environment for administrative Staff of Color through intentional dialogue and social gatherings. We focus on employee retention, development, and collaboration among the Staff of Color to navigate the Wellesley College community and beyond.

For more information, contact:

Pamela Taylor -ptaylor4@wellesley.edu

Gail Cruise-Robinson -gcruiser@wellesley.edu

Laura Suarez -ls2@wellesley.edu

Ines Maturana Sendoya -imaturan@wellesley.edu


Statement of purpose:The LGBTQ+ ERG’s purpose is to create community for Wellesley College LGBTQ+ employees and our allies to help increase visibility for our community, create a supportive network, and support cross-campus collaboration.

For more information, contact:

Sara Ludovissy -sludovis@wellesley.edu

Caregiving ERG

Statement of purpose:This ERG has formed to provide support for faculty and staff balancing the demands of caring for children and adults while working. The group's focus is on building resilience, providing care-giving resources and strategies for self-care, and providing a supportive environment for well-being and community at Wellesley.

For more information, contact:

Kelly Robinson -krobins5@wellesley.edu

Disability ERG

Statement of purpose:This group of faculty and staff members identify themselves as having a disability and are interested in talking with others who identify themselves similarly.

Group format:We agree to maintain confidentiality within the group while also trying to support each other and share useful information related to disability. Feel free to actively participate or listen. No pressure. We are all there to support each other.

Meeting times:Our meetings are currently held monthly. We will be looking for an hour time slot likely at lunch time or when participants can meet.

For more information, contact:

Jim Wice -jwice@wellesley.edu

Wellesley Alums Working At Wellesley (WAWAW)

Statement of purpose:这个ERG的目的是创建一个包容性community among faculty and staff alumnae who are working at Wellesley. Wellesley alums bring a unique perspective to our work at the College, and this group will provide a space for us to collaborate beyond our departments and offices. Please join us!

For more information, contact:

Katie Hall '84 - khall@wellesley.edu
凯西83 -总结” csumma@wellesley.edu

Starting an ERG:

ERGs are voluntary groups formed by employees of Wellesley College. If you are interested in forming a group that aligns with the mission of the College and the goals listed above,please contact the Office of Human Resources atworking@wellesley.eduor 781-283-3202.