The Child Study Center is a laboratory preschool for the Wellesley College Psychology Department
CSC在学院的学年期间开放,9月初至5月的第三周。从2021年秋天开始,中老教室的节目时间(3-4和4-5岁)是8:30 AM-1:00在M / TU / TH / FR和8:30-11:30AM上星期三。有孩子的家庭招收最年轻的课堂(2-3岁)可以选择为早晨计划注册他们的孩子(8:30-11:30AM)或选择凌晨1点的拾取时间。有三个班级,一个为两年的孩子,一个为三年,一个为四岁的孩子。年龄截止日期是8月31日。每周两岁的孩子可能会来两个,三到五个早晨。三天和四岁的孩子每周五天来,直到周三的每天才能达到凌晨1点,这是该中心的早期发行日(上午11:30)。偏好于沃里斯利的教职员工和员工的孩子们向已经参加的儿童的兄弟姐妹,剩余的空间对普通社区开放。观察孩子并参与简单的研究项目,仔细监测。 Because of this research, an even number of boys and girls are enrolled in the morning program and a range of birth months within each class is preferred.
The Child Study Center provides a well-balanced, child-centered, emergent curriculum to preschool children. The curriculum seeks to nurture children's development in all four areas: social, emotional, cognitive and physical. To this end the school offers a modified open structured classroom concept in which the schedule, routines, staff, classroom activity areas and presentation of materials are highly structured to meet the needs of each developing child within the context of the whole group. The curriculum model is "open" in that children are provided free activity times in which they learn to make choices of areas that are of interest and/or need and to negotiate their way into and out of various subject areas. These curriculum areas are: sand, water, playdough, language arts, blocks, dramatic play, art, music, science and math. In addition to free activity times and outdoor play, the schedule includes group meeting times, snack times, and walks on campus. On extended days, the schedule also includes lunch time and rest time. The outdoor activities are considered to be equally important to the indoor and are carefully planned to support specific developmental goals for each child as well as the group as a whole. Each child's progress is noted daily by careful staff observations and future curriculum is planned accordingly.
Core Values
1) Preschool children learn through direct hands on experience using all of their senses: taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing. Thus, the curriculum must present a wide range of activities that include experiencing the stuff of the world (all sorts of animals, minerals and vegetables, like shells, leaves, flour, water, butterflies, wood, clay, and metal) as long as that stuff is safe.
3)因为学龄前儿童不是抽象的这个nkers, they are just beginning to understand representation, such as a toy telephone represents a real telephone or a block can represent a hammer or a child can represent a daddy. Since they are just learning that some things can stand for (represent) other things, the curriculum must provide lots of practice in representation. This is known as pretend play or dramatic play. When a child can practice and learn that a toy red hat can represent a firefighter, then she can begin to understand that the alphabetic letter "B" stands for a sound in our language, "buh." Understanding representation is one of the most basic beginning reading skills.
5) All children are individuals with their own backgrounds and constitutions. Each child has a particular history (family, medical, social, educational), birth order, culture (perhaps second language), set of strengths and challenges, needs and desires. A preschool must provide a curriculum that teaches to the "generic" 2, 3, or 4-year-old as well as to each individual child. For example, all 3-year-olds should learn to recognize and name the colors, but, in addition, Sammy might be particularly drawn to colors because his mommy is an artist. All 4-year-olds should be using language to communicate to others, but Alfredo might need particular instruction since his primary language is Italian.