
Youngest Group Lower Level

(provides immediate access to outdoors near classroom)

Slide1) Cedarworks Company “Gazebo Bambino” with Green Slide

This piece of equipment allows two year old children the pleasure of going up the hill and down the slide in that repetitive motion so important to this age child. The hill is to be covered with plants so that the children have the sense of walking through the plants to arrive at a “look-out” and then descend. The slide is imbedded into the hill, thus avoiding the need for a fall zone and special absorbent surface underneath. A tree will be planted uphill behind the fence to provide a canopy for the gazebo.

Sand Box

2) Sand Box with Deck

Built on an appropriately small scale for the two year old, this structure is designed with ample decking to accommodate sand toys and for children to congregate. We will plant along the building wall and nearby fence.


3) Glider Bench

With regulations making it prohibitive to have many swings (because of the large level fall surface required) the glider bench provides the vestibular motion sought by young children and comforting to people of all ages. This equipment meets our goals for adult and child benches as well as providing the swinging motion.


4) Plexiglas Window Coverings

Clear Plexiglas coverings provide protection from and for the glazed windows and a surface that invites creative expression. Children may affix wet leaves or bits of colored tissue paper or paint upon this surface. The resulting art work is visible from inside their classroom. The Plexiglas is washable.


5) Poured-in-Place Pathway Surfacing

Attractive sandy-gold colored surface provides safety for children, a place to set up various climbing structures and surprisingly comfortable walking space for adults. New drainage is provided near the door.

Planting Bed

6) Raised Planting Bed

This raised area provides opportunity for children to dig and plant in real soil. Teachers have experimented with mixtures of loam, peat and sand to offer the most satisfying gardening experience for children (and plants). Children have practice in mastering stairs and opening and closing the gate.
