Online Requests

Online Request Form(suggested)

Our online form is available on the web help desk site:whd.wellesley.eduwhich can be accessed using the url above or through MyWellesley (by clicking on the Help Desk icon in the upper right corner).

One of the benefits of using the online forms is attaching documents (up to 250mb) directly, similar to First Class.

Select “Copy Center” under Request Type, the first drop down menu. A secondary drop down menu should show up. Select eitherConfidential Request* or Job Request**. At this point, you should see our request form. The request form has the same information as our paper request form (please see Appendix A for comparison).

* “Confidential Request” should be used for any work you submit that you don’t want student Copy Center employees to see or work on – i.e. exams, etc. Only management will open and work on confidential requests.

** All other, non-confidential job requests should be submitted using “Job Request”.

Please fill out the form to the best of your ability and click "Save" to submit. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email the Copy Center atcopycenter@wellesley.eduor call ext x2395.

Tips and things to look out for on filling out our form:

  1. Please use the calendar icon when choosing “Date due”.
  2. Fill out the Budget FOAPA numbers as best as you can.
  3. Attachments must be attached one at a time. When you click “Save”, it may take a while for the attachments to submit (8mb took about 3 minutes when we tested it).
  4. If you would like to CC the request to someone else, fill out the Carbon Copy field with their email and check Enabled.

For a step by step how-to can be downloadedHERE(courtesy of Beth Willis).

On Google

You can still use the PDF or Excel form if you wish.

Here are some instructions for how to download these forms. These instructions are very important so please read through them to ensure your job will be done correctly. When you have your form filled out, attach it along with the file you want printed, and send it the name Copy Center Requests in the directory).

For Mac Users

Download the PDFHERE. Open the PDF form in Preview, fill it out and save it. Click "File" --> "Print" as if you were going to print it. In the print window click "PDF" on the bottom and "Save as PDF" (this will save it as a flat image). If you prefer excel, follow the PC instructions below (the instructions are slightly less complicated).Warning:如果你寄给我们的不形式flattening it, we may not be able to read it.

For PC Users

Download the excel documentHERE, fill it out and save it as a PDF (this will save it as a flat image). Please don't send us the excel file, our computers are very slow.

Thank you for your patience during this period of transition.