Sponsored Research

Welcome to the Office of Sponsored Research!

The Office of Sponsored Research helps build, support, and sustain our world-class faculty as they distinguish themselves through their scholarly efforts. As your administrative partner, the Office of Sponsored Research provides expert consultative services at each step of the pre-award phase. Whether you are looking for assistance in locating potential funding opportunities, help in deciphering sponsor guidelines, or guidance throughout proposal development, we are here to help!

Office of Sponsored Research - Quick Overview

Spotlight: Faculty Research at Wellesley

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) services include:

Funding Sources

We subscribe to external databases Pivot and Grants.gov which are the industry leading sources of information on grants and research opportunities. Thefunding sourcespage provides instructions on how to use the databases.

Additionally, we can conduct individual funding searches in connection with upcoming sabbatical leaves, new or continuing research, programs or projects by request.

Proposal Development

  • obtain and provide sponsor guidelines and application forms
  • interpret and clarify sponsor and collegepolicies
  • assist faculty to prepare grant proposal and budget
  • obtain college approvals and signatures
  • submit proposal
  • status follow up on pending proposals
  • assist in the negotiation of awards and execution of contracts


Compliance includes the following:

Ancillary Research Agreements & Issues