Vanessa Bennett ’98,创始人,发电机女孩


如果您的女儿在纽约市的课后课程Dynamo Girl上课,该课程通过体育锻炼赋予5岁及以上的女孩,她可能参加的一项活动称为“线反转”。十个女孩站在一条线上,她们的任务是颠倒线路的顺序。第1号和第10号需要切换,第2和第9号,等等。捕获是,女孩们也站在宽18英寸的录音带中。完成任务的唯一方法是让女孩在身体和精神上相互依靠。为了避免彼此越过边界,一个女孩的手必须伸向另一个女孩的肩膀,他们必须旋转和躲避。他们必须清楚地沟通。

“有些课程,女孩们在完成比赛方面表现出色;other classes, they can’t do it, because they won’t ask for help,” says Vanessa Bennett ’98, a mother of four (three boys and one girl) who started Dynamo Girl in 2015 in response to the lack of opportunities for girls like her daughter who wanted to participate in physical activity. The girls’ struggle with the line inversion doesn’t surprise Vanessa, who admits she shares their fear of failure. “At Wellesley and beyond, I was embarrassed to ask for help. It was shameful to say you couldn’t do it by yourself. And I’m watching these 8-year-old girls plow through this group, not communicate and do it ‘my way,’ knocking each other off balance and not completing the task.”



Dynamo Girl现在在曼哈顿的七所学校中,正在纽约市及其他地区迅速扩展。凡妮莎(Vanessa)说,她的企业家精神是她的“我们教给女孩们的自己的版本,而是面对对失败的恐惧,无论如何要继续前进。”最好的部分?看到该计划的影响正在展开。“I hear from the parents of Dynamo Girls whose daughters are on the cusp of taking great risks: at the top of mountains, at the sides of a pools, in the wings before going on stage, and the parents say to them—‘You can do this. You are a Dynamo Girl.’”