Technology Internships for First Years and Sophomores


Explore Microsoft

Explore Microsoft是一个为期12周的暑期实习项目,专为学士学位课程第一年或第二年的学生设计,提供体验产品开发周期主要阶段的机会:设计、制造和质量。本课程旨在鼓励您对计算机科学、计算机工程或相关技术学科的兴趣。

wh探索实习是为学生o are beginning their academic studies and would like to learn more about careers in software development through a learning program. Interns will gain group project experience working alongside other Explore Interns. Your on-the-job learning will be enhanced with mentoring, community building and networking opportunities.


  • 必须是大一或大二学生,目前就读于美国、加拿大或墨西哥的学士学位课程。
  • Demonstrated interest in majoring in computer science, computer engineering, software engineering or related technical major.
  • Completed an Introduction to Computer Science course (or equivalent class) as well as one semester of calculus (or equivalent) by the start of the program.
  • 表现出对软件行业的兴趣。

Google Engineering Practicum

Application Open:2019年秋季
这个Google Engineering Practicum该项目为对技术有热情的一年级和二年级本科生提供12周的发展机会,尤其是来自历史上代表性不足群体的学生,包括女性、印第安人、黑人、拉丁裔、退伍军人和残疾学生。我们独特的实习机会让你有机会与其他EP实习生和全职谷歌员工一起参与软件项目,并让你有机会弥合学术理解和实际专业经验之间的差距。

Minimum qualifications:

  • 必须是一年级或二年级本科生,目前正在北美大学攻读计算机科学或相关技术领域的学士学位。
  • Programming experience in one or more of the following languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript or Python.
  • 大一学生必须在第一学期结束前修完一门大学水平的计算机科学课程。(AP或IB计算机科学是可以接受的)。
  • Students must be available for a full-time 12-week internship from May 2020 to August 2020 or June 2020 to September 2020.

Preferred qualifications:

  • 二年级学生应该选修两门计算机科学课程。
  • 授权在美国工作。
  • Returning to a Bachelor's degree program with at least two years remaining in their academic program after completion of the Summer 2020 internship.

Google Summer of Code

Applications Open:March 2020
Spend your summer break writing code and learning about open source development while earning a stipend with theGoogle Summer of Code! 被录取的学生与导师一起工作,成为开源社区的一部分。许多人成为终生开放源码开发者!在大多数国家,18岁及以上的专上学生都可以使用谷歌代码夏令营。


  • 你必须年满18岁
  • You must currently be a full or part-time student (or have been accepted for the fall term) at anaccredited截至学生录取日期的大学
  • 你必须有资格在项目期间居住的国家工作
  • 你还不止一次被GSoC录取
  • You must reside in a country that is not currently embargoed by the United States. See Program Rules for more information.


    Applications Open:2019年9月15日
    Facebook大学: We believe that anyone, anywhere can make a positive impact by developing products to bring the world closer together. Facebook University (FBU) for Engineers is a paid eight-week training program designed to provide mobile development experience to students who are historically under-represented in computer science.



    • Current first year (Class of 2023) or second year (Class of 2022) college student studying at a four-year university (or equivalent program for special cases) in the U.S.
    • 在雇佣时和实习期间必须获得在美国工作的授权;2020年6月15日至8月7日
    • Must be at least 18 years old by June 15, 2020
    • 表现出对科学和技术的兴趣
    • 实习期间可在加利福尼亚州门罗公园或华盛顿州西雅图工作
    • Knowledge of at least one programming language (ie: C/C++, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Lua, Objective C etc.)
    • 整个实习期间必须在场;2020年6月15日至8月7日


    • 这个application for FBU for Engineers - Class of 2020 opens on September 15, 2019 and closes on October 31, 2019.
    • 申请人将被要求提交他们的简历,包括高中和大学成绩单(官方或非官方均可)。

    Twitter Academy

    Deadline:October 13, 2019 @ 11:59pm PT

    Twitter Academyis a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for second-year students interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. Throughout the summer, interns participate in bi-weekly workshops and mentorship geared to sharpen your technical skills and cultivate your professional development. This program is for historically underrepresented (black, Latinx and/or Native American) students in Tech.


    • 对计算机科学/工程、硬件、机器学习、网络安全和/或数据科学感兴趣。
    • Full-time student identifying as black, Latinx, and/or Native American completing your undergraduate study in 2022 at a university or college.
    • Student studying in the US, Canada, and/or Mexico.
    • 可在2020年夏季实习期间(5月至8月)进行实习。




    • Currently enrolled students who attend a U.S. college or university
    • Students who identify as Black and/or Latinx
    • Students seeking internships in the summer of 2020 (and NOT full-time employment)
    • Students who plan on returning to school after their summer internship (Fall 2020)
    • Students with experience coding
    • 有兴趣在科技行业倡导种族平等的学生