苏珊Van der Eb格林65年,退休研究分析化学家:学术界和工业。安可职业:雕刻家,设计师/制造商好家具
倾听你的心,用你的头。数学和科学点燃我的想象早在我还记得。英航在1965年毕业后两周和我的化学,我开始找工作在纽黑文。我的丈夫是耶鲁大学完成研究生学位。总有挑战性的问题和冲突解决在访谈和工作场所。“你是什么样的避孕使用所以我们不训练你离开,因为你是怀孕了吗?“行业提出了这个问题。我是在学术界的研究工作。那个面试我的医生说我将学习分析化学一个相对较新的技术,这将对我我的研究生活的其余部分。他关心,他是对的。工资不如就在行业,但设置适合我。 Statistics about the job market were not as readily accessible then, as they are today. If you want to become a college professor, consider the job openings in your field as you make a decision about getting a PhD. Will the advanced degree open doors you want to walk through? If not, or you are not sure, don’t go there now. We have a number of friends and relatives who, with hindsight, went into fields they never really enjoyed. I will hastily add that sometimes there are no good options to choose among so choosing is not always easy. My husband’s job meant we moved 7 times, with children, cats and dogs, across and around the country. I was always able to find a research position, because we chose to relocate where there were universities, medical schools, industry. I never pursued a graduate degree. I took advantage of workshops, lectures, read on my own. My colleagues (predominantly male) said I performed like a PhD without one. The door a PhD would have opened, could have lead to heading a research lab. Such a position would mean more people management and less time performing and designing experiments, the elements of science I loved. I always knew I wanted to have children. Working and having kids is a juggling act, but a choice I made by finding part-time work until they entered middle school. During that time I was able to first author several research papers. At first my boss said he should have the first name slot on the publication. Traditionally, his role would have been indicated by being the last name in the string of authors for a paper. I challenged him, saying that although he had provided the lab and the problem to solve, I had done the work and written the paper. He acquiesced and I was able to credential myself for future jobs in research without a PhD.