当我在韦尔斯利,我对我的大学出来的过程有很大的影响的经验和之后;紧张的我和我的家庭的关系,我发现自己需要支付大学费用,需要找到住房韦尔斯利不在会话;它需要我做出选择什么课程我可以我也支持我的教育工作。许多教授,尤其是玛杰里萨宾莫德卓别林,非常有助于我试图想象自己的前进道路。他们建议我参加教育项目,我与Dana大厅的学校,在那里我开始了我的教学生涯;在夏天,我在寄宿学校继续我的工作,最终花了十四萨默斯菲利普斯埃克塞特学院的程序;我们韦尔斯利女性人群队列多年来,这是奇妙的去发展自己作为一名教师。我进入了一个在爱荷华大学的博士英语课程,以扩大和深化我的经验的文学;几年后,我意识到,尽管我爱文学,研究甚至教学大学生,我真正想做的是与高中学生全职工作。我错过了他们的开放和能源,嬉闹以及他们认真; I also missed the community that boarding schools foster, so I started working at Scattergood Friends School, a wonderful, tiny Quaker boarding school, in order to continue working with students in a residential setting. From there, I moved to The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey where I happily stayed for a decade; I filled a variety of roles while I was there, including dorm head, mentor teacher, English Department Chair and founding director of a boarding summer school. Two years ago, I was asked to interview for an Assistant Head of School position at Blair Academy in New Jersey, and I am pleased with how much I am learning and growing from this new challenge as a full-time administrator. When students ask me how I became a teacher, I’m quick to credit serendipity; I didn’t intend to spend my career in education when I took my first teaching job, but I couldn’t be more grateful to have landed here.