Killam Fellowships Program (students)
Campus application deadlineis typically the last day of classes in the fall semester: in 2020-21, this is December 11, 2020.
The Killam Fellowships Program, administered by Fulbright Canada, allows undergraduate students from Canada and the United States to participate in a program of binational residential exchange. Killam Fellows spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the host country. Students can apply either to the direct exchange program, which is limited to certain participating university partners, or to the open competition, allowing for participation from (and to) any accredited degree-granting college or university in either country.
Wellesley is a participating university partner in the program, and the competition is run by Jennifer Thomas-Starck, Director of theOffice of International Study.
Who is eligible?
- Full-time undergraduate students at an accredited degree-granting college or university in the United States;
- United States citizens; and
- Students fluent in English (and French, if applicable)
What makes a strong applicant for this fellowship?
A superior and competitive academic record.
How do I apply?
All Wellesley College candidates for theKillam Fellowshipsdirect exchange programmust undergo the Wellesley College review and nomination process in order to apply. Interested applicants should contact Jennifer Thomas-Starck, ofWellesley's Office of International Study. The Wellesley campus application deadline is typcially the last day of classes in the fall semester: in 2020-21 this is December 11, 2020.
For details and application for this program, please see the officialKillam Fellowships website.
Emailois@wellesley.edu或圣op by the Office of International Study Drop-ins (calendar here).