Isabelle Yue-See Li ' 20, Wellesley Robogals总裁

Isabelle Yue-See Li ' 20

我是机器人女孩的新任主席我为这个组织做义工已经一年了。我们的目标是让年轻女孩对工程和相关STEM领域感兴趣。我们主要与附近社区的4 -6年级学生合作,我们开办讲习班,利用基于在线块的编程环境、Scratch和其他技术玩具教授一些计算概念。有了Scratch,女孩们基本上得到了第一次友好的编程入门。我们的志愿者更多地扮演着女孩们的导师和啦啦队员的角色——让她们自己探索这个新环境。志愿服务的一个有意义的部分是看我们的参与者能多快地掌握这些概念。他们总是精力充沛,有创造性的想法。我和一个女孩一起工作,她非常兴奋地向我展示她的程序。这是一个互动的实验,你和一只企鹅交谈,企鹅会问你几个问题。根据你的回答,有些事情会发生变化(例如,企鹅会飞到太空中)。 She seemed very happy with the results; she was so enthusiastic that she showed the program to me, other participants, and some volunteers multiple times. I was impressed that she created this entire program quickly without having to ask for much guidance — a feeling that is common among volunteers. The programs that the participants make are fun, but they also use some of the key concepts that a student would learn in an introduction to Computer Science course. For girls that would not have the opportunity to explore these concepts until high school or even college, our workshops can help them identify an interest in technology and engineering earlier rather than later. Overall, seeing young girls excited about STEM has been really meaningful and encourages me to continue improving Robogals and increasing our reach to impact more girls.