Design and Illustration

Design and illustration careers begin with a portfolio of client-based or self-inspired work that displays your talent, style, and creative thinking. While there are full-time positions in the field of design, there are fewer full-time opportunities for illustrators. For this reason, many illustrators work as designers and illustration is a part of their job.

Careers in Design

Depending on the business context and stage of career, designers can find themselves with a number of different job titles. Within many publications, institutions, or agencies, ajunior designerwill typically rise to a资深设计师,then艺术指导,and thencreative director.Depending on the industry served or the medium, the junior designer may be called a图形设计师,UI / UX设计师,视觉设计师,运动设计师,数字设计师,网页设计师,动画师,生产艺术家,orgraphic artist.For advice on how to find an entry-level position, please seeHow to Find your First Job.

At the mid-level, the title may be more specific: iNformation Designer,Interaction Designer,产品设计师,环境图形设计师,信息架构师,包装设计师,展览设计师,体验设计师,or内容战略家。

At the executive level, designers occupy positions such asowner/founder, executive creative director, head of design,orchief creative officer.

然后有那些与设计师在相关职位上工作的人production coordinators, front-end developers, marketing coordinators, project managers, producers, strategists,andcopywriters.There are no centralized definitions or certifications for these titles, so they’re constantly evolving, and the more rapidly changing the industry in which the designer works, the more rapidly titles and definitions will change. Scale plays a part, too; the more designers on a team or in a company, the more the number of distinct titles will multiply.Source

Careers in Illustration


Because almost 85% of illustrators work freelance it is in the best interest of the illustrator to know their audience, how to market, and have a good sense of business, contracts, pricing and intellectual law.

编辑器材:Generally, this is freelance work. The artist illustrates magazine-and newspaper articles as well as advertisements. The art director and the illustrator decide which important point in the copy should be illustrated. The illustrator then executes a drawing, painting, or collage in a unique personal style to illustrate the focal point of the copy.

产品插画家:Most often this is freelance work. The artist usually works with advertising agencies. In order to create a finished drawing or painting of a product, precision, drafting ability, and the capacity to render varied materials realistically are required.





Fashion Illustrators:Fashion Illustrators are among others who work only in one subject. They draw models wearing the latest fashions. They also do accessories such as gloves, handbags, and hats. Their artwork appears in catalogs, newspapers, magazines, and television commercials. Most are free-lancers. Others are staff members of clothing manufacturers, fashion designers, mail-order firms, or department stores.

Freelance Illustrators:自由插画家可以做多种艺术品,或者他们可能只产生一种。大多数插图者都不会从事员工进行插图。毕业后,许多开始自由工作。有些人可能会在相关领域获得员工工作,因为它们建立了他们的投资组合。作为一项规则,插画家为许多客户而言,而不是一家公司。他们排队工作并计划他们的工作,以便他们忙碌,但不赶紧。一些艺术家呼吁艺术董事,显示他们的工作样本,并获得任务。其他艺术家聘请代理人(称为代表)为他们创作。着名的自由插画家拥有来到他们的客户。自由职业者是许多插画家的目的。 This work lets them do the kind of illustrations they like best and allows them to schedule their own workload. Many of them travel or do assignments by mail. They may develop a unique style and do only one kind of illustration such as animals, children, home furnishings, or fashions. Freelancers do all the tasks of an assignment. They get the job, buy supplies, hire models, do the project (from rough sketch to finished illustration), and deliver it. Some have aides who fill in color or background, add lettering, or do other tasks. Some freelancers have agents who acquire jobs for them to do.

技术插画:技术插图画家,他们做的大部分工作in black and white, also use drafting tools and machines. Their work may consist of layouts showing how to install equipment, diagrams for wiring, or perspective and cutaway views of machines. They study blueprints, models, engineers’ drawings, and equipment to make sketches. They often use computer-aided design techniques.

Medical Illustrators:Medical illustration is used in textbooks, magazines, charts, and advertising directed to the medical profession. This work demands both a scientific and an artistic knowledge of anatomy. Precise and accurate draftsmanship combined with a realistic style is necessary.

Mural Designers:壁画的主要应用是在酒店, restaurants, and residences. One must have the ability to emulate various artistic styles. Excellent painting technique is required. One should approach this field with an education in fine art and art history. Muralists can work for an interior designer.

There are many opportunities for jobs in illustration. As an illustrator, you may find employment with magazines, periodicals, book and software publishers, manufacturers, or working with various types of electronic media. There are also opportunities in the motion picture and video industries, and computer game design industry as well. Or you may decide to be a self-employed, freelance illustrator, and do work in several of these industries on a contract basis.Source

See also:“未来最重要的设计工作”

Resources and Job Boards

Professional Organizations