HM:没错!有时候我们并不是都觉得自己很好。我在想自己:我正坐在卫尔斯利教堂的长凳上,旁边是大理石杠上的图案,卫尔斯利母亲送她的女儿进入大世界,她的双臂环绕着她的女儿,指着未来,她的女儿手里拿着知识之书和学习之灯,大步向前。当我坐在长凳上,我说,“哦,我真不幸。我永远当不了国务卿。我不是杂志的出版人。我从没开过航天飞机"我们的人都开过。我只是闷闷不乐。韦尔斯利妈妈看着我,站在墙边,走到我身边,把手放在我的肩膀上说:“亲爱的,怎么了?”我说,“在这些美丽的韦尔斯利大学女生群中,我觉得自己很不足,我就像一颗燃烧殆尽的小矮星。” And she says, “Dear, who do you think you are?” And I say “Well, my name is Helen and I’m a Wellesley graduate.” And she says, “Yes. You know all of these fabulous Wellesley women. Well you’re one of them! You know that? You have got 35, 000 people who have never met you all cheering for you to do well. So, I want you to get up, figure out what it is you want to do, and go do it. We have got your back.” And I said, “Yes ma’am!”.