没有一天我不被卫尔斯理感动。即使25年过去了,我几乎每天都能和上大学第一天认识的朋友们联系。我们打电话、发短信、发电子邮件,通过Facebook和其他社交媒体网站互相问候。我25年前最好的朋友今天仍然是我最好的朋友。此外,作为韦尔斯利学院的毕业生是我每天都佩戴的荣誉徽章。有时候,当我在工作、家庭生活和家务中穿梭时,我会悄悄地把它藏起来。在其他艰难的日子里,我把它戴在胸前,知道它会给我力量、爱和支持。韦尔斯利效应意味着我在人生旅途中并不孤单。韦尔斯利效应指的是我知道世界各地有不同年龄、不同背景的女性关心我,希望我成功。有些,我从18岁就知道了。 But most are women that I do not know. Our sole bond is Wellesley. But that is enough. There is an innate love, trust, and honest energy that infuses our relationships and forces us every day to work hard, stay curious and creative, question the status quo, and be kind and considerate to one another. The Wellesley Effect is a halo that keeps me feeling safe, happy, and grounded. I cannot imagine my life without Wellesley. Thank you!