作为我们2017年夏季明信片系列的一部分,Malak Alsayyad ’19从摩洛哥拉巴特写的写作,她参加了全球公民实习通过韦尔斯利的职业教育。她的实习得到了Susan Saltzbart Kilsby ’80南非实习礼物的支持。
我发现很难相信,但是现在我在跨文化学习中心(CCCL)和在拉巴特的时间实习的一半以上。CCCL提供了教育和文化机会,这些机会教会各个年龄段的摩洛哥富裕遗产。它举办了各种出国留学计划,这些计划是摩洛哥的,并为访问国际学生和当地摩洛哥人提供语言课程,讲座,艺术展览和音乐表演。CCCL的主要办公室位于美丽的麦地那(Medina)(旧城区)的令人惊叹的传统摩洛哥建筑中。CCCL的Wilfrid Rollman图书馆以前韦尔斯利教授和中心的老朋友命名,距离那里只有很短的步行路程。I live with my caring host family just five minutes away, still within the Medina, which was built in the 17th century and is surrounded by walls that hold within them a bustling marketplace and some of Morocco’s most beautiful people, traditions, and homes, and unbelievably delicious foods.
每天清晨,我穿过迷宫麦地那的狭窄小路。到目前为止,我已经学会了很好的方式,以至于我不再需要计算转弯或拉出Google地图。我喜欢麦地那的街道被称为Zanka(زنقة)在摩洛哥阿拉伯语中 - 标准的阿拉伯语 - 因为在我的本地埃及方言中,我们更常见地使用这个词来说紧密或拥挤,一旦每个人都遍布,这两种词都非常适合麦地那。
我的工作日在早上CCCL的图书馆和主楼之间分配,我在下午帮助设计,校对以及准备信息包和小册子。At the library, I mostly organize the CCCL’s diverse collection of books and reward myself after each section by reading a page out of a book that caught my eye, everything from the writings of Moroccan feminist Fatema Mernissi to instructional books on the art of Arabic calligraphy. Working at thfe library has taught me a lot about organizational work and has challenged me to find innovative ways to keep the library space interesting, organized, and accessible. I also assist my supervisor, Rajae, who works in library services and IT maintenance, in running the CCCL’s social media pages, which has given me a chance to practice my professional social media skills in both Arabic and English. One of the greatest experiences I’ve had working here was attending and documenting an evening of麦迪,苏菲起源的伊斯兰音乐和声乐表演。表演始于平静,但到深夜,每个人都站起来。
And last but definitely not least, I am forever grateful to have spent my time in Morocco with my one and only Wellesley sib and fellow intern at CCCL, Adeline du Crest ’19, who has been my work and weekend travel buddy, from the Gnaoua Festival in Essouira to the port of Tangier—and many cities in between!
马拉克·阿尔萨亚德(Malak Alsayyad)是电影和媒体研究专业。