美国环境保护署署长(1989 - 1993)
20多年来他是一个高级顾问TPG资本,国际投资合作。和TPG在他的任期内,他是浅绿色的创始合伙人兼首席执行官国际合作伙伴,一个私人股本基金,致力于投资水务公司。在加入TPG,赖利先生是第一个佩恩斯坦福大学客座教授。他是美国环境保护署的管理员从1989年到1993年,在此期间他带领努力通过一项新的清洁空气法案,美国代表团在里约热内卢联合国环境与发展大会在1992年。他后来担任世界野生动物基金会的总裁和董事会主席;保护基金会主席;和洛克菲勒专责小组的主任土地利用和城市增长。赖利先生的董事会主席尼古拉斯•杜克大学环境政策研究所的解决方案。他主持董事会的全球应对水问题促进会和气候基金会工作。赖利先生是美国水伙伴关系的执行委员会,董事会战略与国际问题研究中心和董事会的忧思科学家联盟。 He has also served on several corporate boards, including DuPont, ConocoPhillips, and Royal Caribbean. From 1970-1972 he was a senior staff member at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. President Clinton appointed Mr. Reilly as a founding Trustee of the Presidio Trust of San Francisco. President Obama appointed him co-chair of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and the Future of Offshore Drilling, and in late 2012 to the President’s Global Development Council for which he headed the working group on climate smart food security. He served in the U.S. Army to the rank of Captain, 1966-1968. He and his wife Elizabeth reside in San Francisco.